NSW Nationals Member for Upper Hunter Michael Johnsen has announced the redevelopment of the Murrurundi Wilson Memorial Hospital reached another important milestone recently with the pouring of concrete for the new hospital foundations.
Mr Johnsen said the concrete slab for the new hospital building was poured over three consecutive days and approximately 160 cubic metres of concrete was used.
“Hutchinson Builders has made great construction progress on-site, with the concrete pour following extensive excavation works and in-ground services for the new hospital building,” Mr Johnsen said.
“Work will now focus on the erection of structural steel, load-bearing and fire-rated walls and roof trusses, followed by roofing and services rough-in.
“Construction on our new Murrurundi hospital building is forecast to be complete in early 2021 before services are transferred and the new hospital is operational.
“The final works including demolition of the existing hospital building, construction of new staff accommodation, and landscaping works, will commence in 2021. The overall redevelopment project is forecast to be complete in late 2021.
“Once construction of the new Murrurundi Hospital building is complete, our local community will be invited for a walkthrough before all health services are moved over from the existing hospital,” Mr Johnsen said.
The Murrurundi Hospital Redevelopment is being delivered as part of the NSW Nationals in Government’s $304 million Multipurpose Service program for facilities across rural and remote NSW.
The project team is working closely with the Community Reference Group on the Arts and Heritage program for the new building and campus.
“The redeveloped Murrurundi Wilson Memorial Hospital will continue to operate as a hospital, and will retain its historic and respected name,” Mr Johnsen said.
Further information on the project is available at www.mps.health.nsw.gov.au/Projects/ Murrurundi.