Public school students across NSW will be supported through a direct investment of $10.93 billion in 2023, as set out in the annual School Budget Allocation Report (SBAR) released today.
This includes a record $1.41 billion through the Resource Allocation Model (RAM), delivering needs-based funding to support the individual learning needs of students.
Nationals Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said the NSW Government remains committed to supporting all students, with this funding to be used for additional teachers, literacy and numeracy programs, and teacher training.
“We are delivering an ambitious reform agenda in NSW to lift student outcomes and this funding is critical to supporting our students, our teachers and our schools to achieve these goals,” Ms Mitchell said.
“This funding supports our commitment to give teachers additional release time as we roll out our new NSW Curriculum, and has delivered new Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction roles in every public primary school.”
The allocation of RAM funding recognises that the needs of schools across NSW differ and takes into account the socio-economic profile of students, as well as Aboriginal student numbers, students with disability and English language proficiency.
“The NSW Government will also better support students learning with disability thanks to an updated low level adjustment for disability methodology.
“Using the higher-quality Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) will allow for funding to better reflect the specific needs of students in each school as well as the addition of 188 learning and support teachers to the system.”
Other measures recently introduced, including the Simplifying School Budgets initiative and the Carry Forward Policy, provide schools with clearer advice on investing in their current cohort of students. Schools will also receive advice on small group tuition in 2023 as part of the SBAR release.
The NSW Government is creating Australia’s best education system and providing students with world-class education no matter where they live.