The communities of Rollands Plains, Pappinbarra, and Comboyne will benefit from funding from the NSW Nationals in the federal government to upgrade emergency evacuation centres and build community resilience.
Federal Nationals Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie has announced funding under the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants program to support local communities to continue rebuilding after the 2019-20 bushfires and prepare for any future event.
“We know it’s taking time for people to recover – and this program offers further support for local bushfire affected communities,” Dr Gillespie said.
“The funding, in many cases, is delivering upgrades to the main local evacuation centre or central gathering point. The program is also investing in projects that support community resilience, connection and better mental health, in the wake of the Black Summer Bushfires.
“I am proud to be announcing support for these great local communities, who went through a devastating fire season and have seen more tough times recently.”
• Rollands Plains Hall $59,485 – new outdoor eating and meeting area. The Hall has been designated a NSW RFS Safer Place in time of fire. This project will provide a space for evacuees to rest and others to meet, in order to deal with any current emergency.
• Hollisdale Hall, Pappinbarra $256,657 – new community kitchen. A purpose-built, community kitchen extension to the hall will replace improvised facilities in the schoolroom where volunteers struggled to feed firefighters and the community during the 2019 fire.
• Comboyne Show Pavilion $240,097 – pavilion fit-out. Fit-out of the showground pavilion so it may function effectively as an emergency evacuation centre
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