A number of COVID-19 restrictions will be eased in NSW from 12.01am on Monday, March 29.
There will be:
• No caps on weddings and funerals;
• No restrictions on singing including in places of worship;
• No restriction on dancing including at weddings and in pubs and nightclubs;
• No cap on visitors in the home (if there are more than 100 people there must be a COVID-19 Safety plan and electronic recording of visitor details);
• 200 people allowed for personal outdoor public gatherings;
• All venues to move to the one person per 2sqm rule (venues will be allowed at least 25 people before the 2sqm rule applies);
• 100 per cent seated capacity at entertainment venues including stadiums and theatres, and;
• Mask use including on public transport will move from ‘mandatory’ to ‘strongly recommended’.
Businesses and other organisations must continue to ensure they keep accurate records of all attendances, including through QR Codes, to enable fast contact tracing in the event of any community transmission.
NSW Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant said it was critical everyone continued to practise COVID-safe behaviours, including using QR codes, staying home if unwell and getting tested.
“I also urge everyone to get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible and able to do so. It will not only protect you, your family and loved ones, but will keep the whole community safe,” Dr Chant said.
For the latest information and COVID-19 testing sites please visit: