Three projects in Eden-Monaro have been awarded grants under the first round of the Nationals in Government’s Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program.
Announcing the grants, federal Nationals Minister for Resources and Water Keith Pitt said they would enhance the environment of Eden-Monaro communities located within the Murray Darling Basin.
NSW Nationals Senator Perin Davey said the successful applicants were developed by grassroots organisations and delivered practical projects to suit each area’s unique needs.
“The Michelago, Jeir, and Googong communities stand to gain over $97,970 from three grants under the program, with the successful applicants committed to buying Australian-made goods in local businesses,” Senator Davey said.
“These projects will see locals getting involved to help remove invasive species like the Box Elder and plant native species to reduce river run-off while providing habitat for the critically endangered Yellow-spotted Bell Frog.
The grants build on a project at the head of the Murrumbidgee River also announced by the Nationals in Government, and shows our commitment to improving the environmental health of Basin with practical solutions whilst delivering the Basin Plan.
A total of 73 grants across the Basin will fund practical, on-ground projects that improve the health of rivers and wetlands.
The Healthy Rivers Program forms a key part of the Nationals in Government’s Murray–Darling Communities Investment Package, which is putting communities at the heart of the Basin Plan.
For more information on the successful projects, visit the department’s website.