The NSW Nationals in the federal government are bolstering protection for agriculture and regional communities through a new $371 million package.
The package will strengthen Australia’s ability to keep out exotic pests and diseases and improve our ability to fight an outbreak.
Australia’s biosecurity system protects $42 billion in inbound tourism, $53 billion in agricultural exports, and 1.6 million Australian jobs across the supply chain.
This investment is about building a protective ring around Australia to safeguard our industry as well as the rural and regional communities that depend on it.
The package comes after a record $888 million investment in biosecurity and export services in 2020-21 and includes:
• $34.6 million for research and improved field tools to better understand how pests and diseases could enter the country
• $19.5 million to trial pre-border biosecurity screening technology on inbound and outbound passengers
• $96.8 million for the offshore treatment provider assurance program, and data and technology advancements to rapidly identify containers for intervention
• $25.5 million for modern technologies to improve the speed and accuracy of pest and disease identification at the border
• $28.7 million to expand the Maritime Arrivals and Reporting System
• $31.2 million to improve management of biosecurity risks associated with incoming international mail
• $58.6 million to continue and expand the 2019-20 investment in preventing African swine fever (ASF) from entering Australia
• $67.4 million to support Australia’s biosecurity preparedness and response capabilities
Nationals Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said the package complements the reforms being introduced across our biosecurity system to make it modern, efficient and keep Australians safe.
“This package demonstrates our commitment to our agricultural sector and unique environment,” he said.