Federal NSW Nationals Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie says an additional $563.3 million in federal funding to extend support for the aged care sector’s response to COVID-19 is critical for the local aged care services.
Dr Gillespie said the announcement brought the NSW Nationals in the federal government’s support to senior Australians in Aged Care to over $1.5 billion since the pandemic began.
“Aged Care is a crucial sector across our region and that is why I have been continuing to lobby the minister and my parliamentary colleagues to undertake a significant investment to ensure aged care providers have the ability to maintain the highest quality of care.”
The increased funding will be split across four key areas:
- $71.4 million to expand the short-term home support for older Australians who are on leave from residential aged care.
- $154.5 million to extend the COVID-19 aged care Workforce Retention Payment.
- $92.4 million to extend the Supporting Aged Care Workers in COVID-19 Grant.
- $245 million injection into all facilities.
“The $245 million builds on the $205 million COVID-19 Support Payment our government provided to all residential aged care providers in June 2020,” Dr Gillespie said.
“This funding will be required to be used by providers to fund and support enhanced infection control capability, including through an on-site clinical lead.
“Funding may also be used to address other COVID-19 related costs such as increased staffing costs, communications with families and managing visitation arrangements.”
Local providers will receive around $1435 per resident, this payment will be provided through Services Australia by early October.
“This increased funding demonstrates our government’s commitment to supporting senior Australians in aged care, workers and providers. It will help put in place critical actions to ensure we remain prepared across the country,” Dr Gillespie said.
“Our government has already made additional investments in the aged care sector following the Aged Care Royal Commission’s interim report earlier this year.
“We can expect to see further funding investments which will respond to the commission’s recommendations in its final report expected early in the new year.”