Captain Cook Memorial and Lighthouse upgrade

Nationals Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest, has taken part in the official opening of the upgrades of the Captain Cook Memorial and Lighthouse. Point Danger, home of the Captain Cook Memorial and Lighthouse, was named by Captain Cook on his 1770 journey up the east coast of Australia to warn mariners of dangerous coral reefs.…

New Cundletown soccer clubhouse nearing completion

The final fit out is underway on Cundletown’s new soccer club amenities, with the bulk of the building work now complete. Federal Nationals Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie, congratulated the Cundletown Soccer Club and MidCoast Council on the project, which was allocated $300,000 in funding under the former Nationals Government’s Local Roads and Community…

Staying cool at Coffs PCYC

PCYC Coffs Harbour is welcoming a much-needed funding boost thanks to the NSW Community Building Partnership Program. Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour, Gurmesh Singh, has congratulated the hardworking PCYC team on its successful funding application which will allow them to proceed with a priority project. “The PCYC has been allocated $24,338 so it can purchase…

Labor’s water buybacks to hit every household

NSW Shadow Water Minister Steph Cooke said it is only a matter of time before Federal Government water buybacks start to impact household budgets across the country, as the flow-on effect from purchasing water from irrigators drives up the cost of production in the Murray Darling Basin. Ms Cooke said the Federal Government has this…