Preventing powerline accidents on-farm
Regional businesses can claim rebates from SafeWork NSW to purchase overhead powerline markers in a push to prevent dangerous incidents on farms.
Regional businesses can claim rebates from SafeWork NSW to purchase overhead powerline markers in a push to prevent dangerous incidents on farms.
Quad bike owners are being warned to ‘keep kids off quad bikes’ in a new SafeWork NSW campaign launched by NSW Nationals Minister for Better Regulation Kevin Anderson. The campaign will remind farmers that quad bikes are the biggest killers on NSW’s farms, causing 132 deaths in Australia since 2011 and that one in seven…
The news reports about the website that lists the personal details of family farms are deeply concerning. This is a safety issue. These aren’t just farms, these are people’s homes. Their families, their children, live at these places. To go out there and publish this kind of material is not just reckless, it’s dangerous. We’ve…