NSW Nationals Member for Oxley Melinda Pavey has announced almost $900,000 for a range of local improvement projects for Crown Land Reserves and community facilities in the Oxley region.
This funding will help provide important local infrastructure maintenance and upgrades, supporting much needed local jobs. Secured under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund program, the funding will help regional communities impacted by bushfires and COVID-19.
Ms Pavey, who is also the NSW Nationals Minister for Water, Property and Housing, said the NSW Nationals in the state government were providing $51.7 million from the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund this year.
“This funding will support 705 maintenance and upgrade projects on Crown Reserves right across the state,” Ms Pavey said.
“This year’s fund has received a $40 million boost to support communities impacted by bushfires and COVID-19 by funding improvements and supporting jobs.”
Projects funded in the Oxley Electorate include:
• $310,704 to replace the exterior boundary fence and rebuilding of the covered arena at Kempsey Showground.
• $149,215 for rock revetment work to protect Atherton Drive Foreshore at Bellinger Heads State Park.
• $130,000 for bank protection and stabilisation work at Mylestom River Foreshore.
• $114,389 to refurbish and upgrade the Stuarts Point Community Hall including internal work, car park improvements, construction of a deck and installation of solar power.
• $54,050 to upgrade the southern viewing platform, provide a new accessible access path to the viewing platform, install a new shelter and picnic setting, provide new landscaping and install new interpretative information to upgrade and revitalise Captain Cook Lookout at Nambucca Heads.
• $24,696 to upgrade the main dining room kitchen at the Macksville Showground by installing new equipment and renovating infrastructure including the floor, coffee station, kitchen bench and stove.
• $20,000 towards control of Tropical Soda Apple weed at the Macleay River Catchment area.
• $16,555 to control weeds on the Collombatti Stock Route.
• $16,390 to install fencing around the Kundabung Community Hall.
• $14,500 towards weed control from Grassy Head to Gladstone.
• $11,260 to install weatherproof awnings on three entry doors at the Kundabung Community Hall.
• $11,000 towards control of Cockspur Coral Tree in the Macleay River Mid Estuary.
• $10,945 to reduce hazard presented by trees within proximity of the Kundabung Hall.
• $7,950 to repair roofing on the Byabarra Recreation and Public Hall Reserve.
• $6,518 to construct an awning over the main outdoor entertaining area to provide all-weather use at the Kundabung Community Hall.