Federal Nationals’ funding is delivering major safety upgrades at the busy Myall Way/ Pacific Highway intersection and on Bombah Point Road towards the ferry wharf.
Flashing lights will be installed at the intersection turning into Tea Gardens, with flexible wire rope barriers along the edges. Sight restrictions will be removed to allow drivers to see when to slow down and give way, as required.
Federal Nationals Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie, made the announcement during a visit to the Myall Coast, saying the roadworks were expected to be completed in coming months.
“There’s a high risk of crashes at this very busy junction and we want that risk minimised. The Road Safety Program is one of many infrastructure grant programs the Federal Coalition Government has put in place, with urging by The Nationals in Government, to target safety improvements on our regional roads,” Dr Gillespie said.
The $750,000 project on Myall Way will receive $600,000 from the Federal Coalition Government and $150,000 from the NSW Government under the Road Safety Program.
“I have been agitating inside Federal government and most particularly inside State government departments for them to get cracking on the next phase of upgrading the Pacific Highway.
“There are many intersections that need to be grade separated. These should go up the priority list and I’ll be fighting for Federal funds to contribute.”
Dr Gillespie also inspected the completed sealing of Bombah Point Road, leading to Bombah Point ferry wharf on Two Mile Lake, in the Myall Lakes National Park.
“This is one of the prettiest vehicle ferry crossings I know, in the beautiful Myall Lakes and Bombah Point Road is well used by tourists, as well as locals,” Dr Gillespie said.
Federal funding of $750,000 under the Roads 2 Recovery program has completed 2.4km of road sealing, making Bombah Point Road safer and more accessible for motorists.