NSW Nationals to introduce bail reform legislation

The NSW Nationals will seek to introduce the Bail Amendment (Serious Personal Violence and Electronic Monitoring) Bill 2024 when Parliament resumes this week. The legislation will amend the Bail Act 2013 to implement proposals to strengthen bail laws: Expand the use of electronic monitoring devices to bail on serious domestic violence charges Expand the grounds…

Big win for Grafton Redmen

Photo: Bart McGrath – Grafton ‘Redmen’ President, Garry Powell – First Grade Coach, Richie Williamson – Nationals Member for Clarence, and Leeah Kohn – Committee Member Nationals MP for Clarence, Richie Williamson, has congratulated the Grafton ‘Redmen’ Rugby Union Club on being awarded $19,800 to upgrade the scoreboard at its home ground in South Grafton.…

Mountain View archers hit the bullseye

NSW Nationals Member for Myall Lakes, Tanya Thompson, has congratulated the Mountain View Archers in Wingham for their success in securing a $9226.88 grant under the NSW Local Sport Grant Program. Mrs Thompson has gone to Wingham Showground to visit the archery club and deliver the news in person. “This is fantastic news for our…

Nats deliver for Kingscliff TAFE

NSW Nationals Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest, has welcomed the start of construction of a $32 million upgrade for TAFE NSW Kingscliff. Mr Provest took part in the turning of the first sod on the site of a new $25 million multi-purpose building that will enable the delivery of courses including animal studies, aviation, creative…

New arrivals to expand local llama gene pool

The first llamas to arrive in Australia in decades are making themselves at home after clearing quarantine. The five llamas flew into Australia from Chicago, spending 24 hours in the air, and were housed at the Mickleham Post Entry Quarantine facility in Victoria, which is the only centre in Australia equipped to house camelids in…

Making waves on the Coffs Coast

Coffs Coast Outrigger Canoe Club members are all smiles as they make full use of their new OC6 outrigger canoe. Nationals Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the club was able to purchase the new canoe thanks to a $32,000 grant from the former NSW Nationals Government under the Community Building Partnership Program. Mr…

New-look campdraft arena a “game changer”

Nationals Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke was on hand to help cut the ribbon on the new-look Marrar Campdraft Arena, which has undergone a makeover that will help ensure the longevity of the precinct. Ms Cooke said the resurfacing works at the arena – made possible thanks to a $107,325 investment by the previous NSW…

Anzac Day

Anzac Day is the day we remember those who fought for their country in the past and those who continue to serve today. The Anzac legend was born on the 25th of April in 1915. In the early hours of that day, Australian, New Zealand, and Allied troops came ashore to fight the Turkish defenders…